Check In:
We will have our team meeting at 8:30am for this event. Athletes arriving after 8:30 will face the possibility of forfeiting sets and matches in their first round of play.
Tournament Field:
This event will be open to up to 16 Club Division teams. We understand that the high school age athletes will be finishing up a week of tryouts indoor and are shifting our focus to working with our younger generation to finish their summer strong. High school athletes who would like to participate, please contact coach Mati and we will put together a special event for you to get sandy that day.
The format will feature a double elimination championship bracket with a single elimination consolation bracket for the first four teams eliminated. This guarantees that every team will play a minimum of three best two of three matches and most teams will play four or more.
Prizes will be awarded for the first through third place teams and the top finishing team with both athletes 12 years old or younger.
Boys/Coed Division
We are exploring the possibility of creating a boys/co-ed division for this event. If we cannot secure enough registrations to create an entirely separate division, we will find a way to mix boys and high school age athletes to make an event.
Register Here: