Sunday, December 28, 2014

The 2014 Polar Beach Challenge Recap

Camryn and Danica won the junior division championship!
It was far from perfect beach volleyball conditions, but that didn't stop 22 athletes from competing for the title of 2014 Polar Beach Challenge Champions at Bottega Fitness Park on December 27.  The day saw everything from hand setting with gloves on to shorts and bare feet in the 49 degree sand.  The competitors spent their time between matches huddled around the various campfires and fueling their efforts with a steaming pot of chili generously donated by Cunio's restaurant.

The event was more of a celebration than a full blown volleyball tournament.  There was music, food, family and of course some friendly competition.  There were athletes of all ages.  Boys, girls, men and women all celebrating the sport they love in an off-beat and slightly wacky way.  It was cold, but when the ball was in the air, all focus shifted to the next touch, the next transition, the next play.  Winning was fun, but playing is what this event was all about.

To the champions went the spoils, new hoodie sweatshirts with the Polar Beach Challenge logo on them.  Everyone who came and played left better for it.  The day was a reminder that summer is just around the corner and before we know it we will be back in the Bottega sand again for the Cherry Blossom Tournament in late March.  Big things are coming for the summer of 2015.  22 athletes couldn't wait that long to get their toes back in the sand.

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