I coach with the end goal of developing athletes who consistently perform at the top of their ability. My style is socratic, which means that I guide my athletes through the learning process by asking questions and encouraging them to discover the answers to their questions and methods for their improvement. This style of training creates meaningful learning and problem solving abilities that are essential to success both on and off the volleyball court.
Core Principals
- Focus + Effort = Success
- Do, or do not, there is no try. (Master Yoda)
- Discovery is better than direction
- Process and performance are the most meaningful paths to winning.
My Mentors
This group of coaches have had a profound impact on my coaching style and development. I am proud to have them as part of my coaching network and take great comfort in knowing that they are there to answer any questions that I have and help me develop as a coach. This list is always growing, because I am always learning.
Rachelle Manske, Lake VBC
Zach Calles, Skagit Valley College
Paul Schwan, Sound Premier Volleyball Team, Kent Juniors
Bill Neville, Nevillizms USA Volleyball
James Finley, Seattle University
Shannon Pratt, Seattle Jrs. VBC
Joe Baleto, Beach Volleyball Coach, Puget Sound VBA
Raquel West, Shoreline Community College, Space Needle VBF
Dragan Karadzic, Olympic Premier VBC, Puget Sound Region High Performance
Jess Gatewood, Beach Volleyball Coach, Puget Sound VBA
Ali Wood-Lamberson, USA Beach Volleyball Youth National Team Coach
John Bryant, Commissioner Puget Sound Region of USA Volleyball
Veronica Sanchez, Director of US Junior Beach Tour
Keith Manske, Lake Volleyball Club
Greg Post, Lake Volleyball Club, Kamiak High School
Kim Werkau, Bellevue College
Ed Johnson, Local volleyball legend
Jon Aharoni, Coordinator of Beach Coaching and Development USA Volleyball
Nikki Baehm, Lake VBC